Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes You Did!

Obama, looking like a movie star...
Obama bir film yıldızı gibi görünüyor...
Congratulations to all friends in the blogosphere who I know were hoping for this! I couldn't be happier with the results :) Now it will be very interesting to see USA implement the changes :)
I know the USA and the world is in a very bad state right now, but I had to admit it isn't nearly as catastrophic as I had anticipated (I was thinking Doomsday) when W got elected the second time... Hopefully Obama is the one to reverse the damage and make us move forward...
ABD başkanı artık Barack Obama :) Gezegenimizin iyiliği ve uygarlık adına seçilmesini umduğum kişi!


Anonymous said...

Sanırım zamanında okulda ayakta duran beyaz bir öğrenciye yer vermediği için öldürülen siyah öğrenci yukarıdan beyaz saraydaki siyah başkanı alkışlıyordur.Martin Luther King'in rüyası gerçek oluyor.

beauty comma said...

I second that!! This should be good both for America and the rest of the world.

I also wanted to say that I was quite shocked when I visited your blog now and read about what had happened to you and the other Turkish bloggers. I sincerely hope that it will work out!!

Best wishes,

AphroChic said...

Yeah!!! We did it! The world seems completely new.

My Castle in Spain said...

yes Alis !! Obama has a huge task facing him but i trust he'll be supported...I was so thrilled, am still thrilled...
Hourrah !!

Ella Gregory said...

I'm so happy he won.

alis said...

anonymous-Evet bu rüyanın gerçekleşmesi insanlık adına harika bir olay. Dilerim bizim ülkemizde de sonunda bu milliyetçilik safsataları bir kenara bırakılır da doğanın yaratıkları olarak bir arada yaşamayı becerebilir hale geliriz.

. said...

victory in japan

corine said...

If anyone can repair the damages, I think it will be him.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

He can't be any worse then bush, go Obama!

Trendy Gourmandise said...

yes we did