Thursday, February 21, 2013

Spring Green

Bahar Yeşili

The February issue of Country Living UK has page after page of mesmerizingly beautiful narcissi.  I find myself flipping through the magazine over and over again. These interior photos seem to be styled while keeping in mind that freshness of spring blooms and the yet continuing need for warmth. The dominant color is the sweetest shade of green.

Country Living UK'in Şubat sayısı sayfa sayfa nergis ve zerrin bahçeleri fotoğraflarıyla insanı büyülüyor; açıp açıp bakmaya doyamıyorum. İç mekan fotoğrafları da bahar çiçeklerinin tazeliği, fakat aynı zamanda devam eden ısınma ihtiyacımız dikkate alınarak hazırlanmış sanki. Fotoğraflardaki baskın renk yeşilin belki de en tatlı tonu.

The desk above is called "Desk One" and it's designed by Another Country.

Üstteki Another Country tasarımı masanın ismi "Desk One".

This enamel candle holder is perfection. / Bu emaye mumluk şahane!

Photographs by Ingrid Rasmussen, styling by Caroline Reeves for Country Living UK February 2013.


cafenoHut said...

Ben o çalışma masasına bayıldım, kendi ayrı güzel, yeri ayrı güzel.. Renkler harika.

alis said...

cafenoHut - Ben de öyle, insanın çalışacağı ortamın iç açıcı olması şart :)

Mert said...

Bu şirin blog daha çok güncellenmeyi hak ediyor. :)

paulinaszymańska i tomaszcieślak said...

very nice, I like confusion of various styles :))
Best wishes,


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qoya said...

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Pogotowie GSM said...

Interesting article, amazing work.

Urządzenie spawalnicze said...

I love the photos in this article

Anonymous said...

تعتبر شركات تصنيع العبوات الزجاجية في مصر من أهم القطاعات الصناعية التي تساهم في دعم الاقتصاد المصري، حيث تعمل على توفير فرص عمل للكثير من العاملين في هذا المجال، وتساهم في تحقيق النمو الاقتصادي وزيادة الإيرادات للدولة. ومن بين شركات تصنيع العبوات الزجاجية فى مصر الرائدة في مصر شركة بلاستيك هوم لتصنيع العبوات الزجاجيه والبلاستيكية.

Joshim Uddin said...

Nice Post

바카라사이트 said...

Keep checking for new information on this. Good job Thanks man

카지노사이트 said...

Wow! Such an amazing and helpful post this is. you're great buddy

파워볼사이트 said...

I really love it. It's so good and so awesome article. I am just amazed.